Balloon garland

Balloon organic garland varies in different color, shape, and size.  Balloon garlands can be connected to any surface like a backdrop, doorway, rails and etc. The cost of the garland is $12/ft. The price includes delivery and installation fees. The average size for a half arch look is 14-20 ft. The average cost is from $150-$240.
The actual size of a garland is based on the size of your specific environment and how many balloons will require for your space. So, the actual cost is visible while and after the installation. Garland is usually made with sizes 5, 11, 16, and 24-inch balloons. Doesn’t require a frame and can be connected to any surface. To read about how to measure balloon garland to read about the difference between a full structure arch and a garland, click here.

To place an order, please fill out the form below!

Balloon request order form
Please, list a date of event. *Note: Most events are happening on the weekends and if you are decorating at the house would you consider delivering balloons a day before?
Please, provide address of your event/delivery. (* note: list a zipcode or name of the area.)
please, list colors to use for your party theme.
Are you planning to place balloon decoration indoor or outdoors? Please, check one.
Whan kind of space are you planning to decorate? Check one!
Please, check section to describe the type of event.


Balloon garland varies in different colors, shapes and size. The price starts at $12/per foot for regular colors and $15/per foot for metallic or chrome. The balloon garland doesn’t require a structural frame. It can be connected to a wall, backdrop frame or any other surface.


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